26 October 2018

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AFSecurity Seminar

The New Norwegian Passport and Id-Card

DATE:  26 October 2018

LOCATION:  Kristan Nygaards Hall (Room 5370), IFI - OJD House.


14:00h Welcome at IFI

14:15h Invited Talk:

  • TITLE:  The new Norwegian passport and ID-card: What, why, when and how
    SPEAKER:  Tage Stabell-Kulø 
    Based on the information made available to the public through different channels, many advanced security features in the new Norwegian passport and ID-card can be identified by a skilled interpreter. Based on images which have been made public this talk discusses some of the security features of the new passport and id-card.
New passport, p.2 and p.3
New passport, p.1, signature page
New Id-card, front
New Id-card, back

15:00h Discussion

Dr. Tage Stabell-Kulø is an expert in the technology behind the new Norwegian passport and id-card. Currently working for KPMG he acts as a consultant to the Police Directorate for the development of the new passport and Id-card. Tage has since 1992 been interested in the use of public keys, their potential, and their limitations. He holds a Cand.Scient. degree in distributed systems from the University of Tromsø, and a Doctoral degree from the University of Twente, Netherlands. His PGP key (71FBD469) is from June 1994.

AFSecurity is organised by the University of Oslo SecurityLab Logo-UiO-SecurityLab-colour.jpg