April 2012

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AFSecurity Seminar: Intrusion Detection

Date: Wednesday 11 April 2012.

Location: Meeting room Awk (3118), Ole-Johan Dahls hus (IfI).


14:00h Welcome at IfI

14:15h Invited talk

SPEAKER: Stian Jahr (Mnemonic)

TITLE: Evolution of attacks and Intrusion Detection

Presentation slides: Media:AFSec20120411-Jahr-mnemonic.pdf

ABSTRACT: The presentation gives a brief introduction about IDS and how mnemonic have built their IDS service. Attacks on the Internet have changed a lot since we started the IDS service, so the presentation will also show how the attack vectors and motivation from the attackers have changed, and how mnemonic have changed the IDS service to deal with the change in the warfare.

SPEAKER BIO: Stian holds a Master's degree in Information Security from Gjøvik. He have worked as consultant in mnemonic's IDS service for almost 6 years, and is central in how mnemonic deals with Intrusion Detection.

15:00h Discussion

15:30h End