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AFSecurity Seminar: Advanced User Authentication

Date: 11 September 2008

Location: UNIK, Kjeller


12:30h Welcome

12:40h Talk

TITLE: Encap, mobile two-factor authentication

ABSTRACT: This talk will cover

  1. The need(s) for user acceptance and strong authentication
  2. The mobile phone as a security device
  3. The market drivers

Presentation slides: Media:AFSec200809-Taugbol-Encap.pdf

SPEAKER: Petter Taugbøl, Encap

13:10h Discussion

13:40h Talk

TITLE: The Buypass smartcard; a secure and flexible token supporting multiple electronic IDs

Presentation slides Media:AFSec200809-Henriksveen-Buypass.pdf

SPEAKER: Mads Henriksveen, Buypass

14:10h Discussion

14:30h End of meting