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AFSecurity Seminar: Botnets

Date: 12 February 2009

Location: UNIK, Kjeller


12:30h Welcome

12:40 Talk

TITLE: Storm botnets re-emerging as Waledac botnets

ABSTRACT: This talk looks at the development and threat of botnets in general, and focuses on the metamorphosis of Storm botnets in the form of new Waladec botnets.

Presentation slides: Media:AFSec200902-Hansen-Norman.pdf

SPEAKER: Hans C. Hansen, Norman Data Defense

13:10h Discussion

13:40h Talk

TITLE: Anatomy of a Botnet

ABSTRACT: This presentation will review the current state-of-the art in botnet design, and possible tracing methods.

Presentation slides: Media:AFSec200902-Borgaonkar-TKK.pdf

SPEAKER: Ravishankar Borgaonkar, TKK/NTNU/UNIK

14:10h Discussion

14:30h End of meting