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Revision as of 16:26, 30 October 2013

Vi er gruppa Raptor


Vi ønsker å visualisere data ved hjelp av NVD3.


Bendik H. Kvamstad
Martin Holøs
Kristian S. Munkvold
Stian L. Petlund



(Fra forelesning, Kristian fixer du resten?)

  • Touch-friendly data visualization interface
  • Should work well on tablet/phone
  • Show graphs, charts etc.
  • Deployed as DHIS2 web app (but specially designed for touch-based interfaces)
  • Leverage DHIS2 web api


Milestone 1 (1st November)

  • Document features and architecture on Wiki
  • Show understanding of DHIS2 web apps

Milestone 2 (15th November)

  • First bare-bone version - static HTML
  • Uploadable as DHIS2 web app

Milestone 3 (30th November)

  • Finished, if applicable also with mobile app.

Final delivery: 8th December, Presentation 9th December