Sibir & Dovre Software

From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 08:32, 25 October 2016 by (talk | contribs) (Health Facility Registry)

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List of group members

Summary of requirements

Health Facility Registry (general description)

App providing an interface to the health facilities in a country (e.g. the Sierra Leone or Trainingland demo databases). The add should make it possible to search and list organisation units and see these in a map, along with relevant details regarding each facility such as type, the district it belongs to etc. Some inspiration can be found in the Kenya Master Health Facility List. Place names with coordinates for the whole world can be found using MapZen

Time schedule

Dividing tasks within the group

Screenshots and screen flows

Documented learning during project

Suggested improvements

Link to repository

Download link to sample web app