Therese, Joshua og Erik

From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 12:46, 23 October 2016 by (talk | contribs) (Summary of requirements)

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Group members

  • Therese Isabelle Dahle
  • Joshua Webjørnsen
  • Erik Winge

Summary of requirements

Health Facility Registry

App for navigating and organizing, and providing an interface to the health facilities in a country (e.g. the Sierra Leone or Trainingland demo databases) including:

  • Displaying health facility units in a map
  • Searching for/listing units at different organizational levels
    • Search by code
    • Search by facility / organisation name
    • Search by county
    • Search by services
  • Filtering search results by level
  • Displaying details about each unit (type, district etc.) in a dropdown menu beneath its name
  • Edit existing units
    • Editing organizational unit details
    • Editing organizational units coordinates
  • Register units manually (Like filling a form)
    • Adding new unit by clicking on a map

Time schedule

Task division

Screenshots and screen flows

Suggested improvements to APIs etc

Link to repository

Repository is private.

Download link to sample web app