Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Survey

From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 21:01, 8 December 2013 by (talk | contribs) (Documented learning during project)

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List of group members

  • Ole Andreas Røsok
  • Lars Øyvind Hagland
  • Jesper Øynes Vestlie
  • Mats Astrup Schjølberg


29.10.13, 12:00 - Startup

01.11.13, 11:00 - Planning and delegating work for milestone 1. 

05.11.13, 12:00 - Planning and delegating work for milestone 1. 

08.11.13, 11:00 - Each group member presents current status, planning forward.

12.11.13, 12:00 - Each group member presents current status, planning forward.

14.11.13, 11:00 - Milestone 2 complete, planning forward.

19.11.13, 12:00 - Coordination, plan work for the following two weeks. Meeting schedule changed to 'on demand'.

Summary of requirements

  • Single entry-form whithout registration
  • Proof of concept, start with a minimum working version and work from there.
  • Skip logic, tree based data structure.
  • User friendly and simple UI.(KISS)

Time schedule

1. November - Draft of WIKI-page, starting developing static html-page for milestone 2. 

15. November - Milestone 2, barebone version. 

30. November - Milestone 3, near complete version. 

How you are dividing tasks within the group

Identified tasks: 

  1. GET form data from DHIS2 Web API. (Jesper, Lars) - Completed
  2. Write JS-code for skip-logic. (Mats)
  3. Generate HTML-form from JS. (Ole Andreas) - Partially completed, on hold
  4. Keep wiki up to date. (assigned based on current workloads) - Continuos
  5. Package static html "app" for Milestone 2 (Jesper) - Completed
  6. Establish app framework based on AngularJS (Ole Andreas, Lars) - Completed
  7. Rewrite GET-code for Angular (Lars) - Completed
  8. POST to DHIS in Angular (Ole Andreas, Lars)- In progress
    1. Basic test (Jesper) - Completed
    2. Functional JS (Jesper) - In progress
    3. Identify 'where' and 'what'(Ole Andreas, Lars (Unassigned)
    4. As AngularJS service (Lars) - Unresolved dependencies
  9. SelectProgram, front page to select program and stage (Lars) - Completed
  10. FillForm, page to fill form (Ole Andreas, Lars) - In progress
    1. Form display (Ole Andreas, Lars) - In progress
    2. Add skip logic data from separate source (Lars, Ole Andreas) (Unassigned)
    3. Use skip logic in form (Lars, Ole Andreas)
    4. Save data (Ole Andreas, Lars, Jesper)
  11. EditLogic, page to edit skipLogic for a given form (Jesper, Ole Andreas)
    1. Basic page (Lars) - In progress
    2. Advanced/guided logic editing (Unassigned) - no priority

Screenshots and screen flows

Documented learning during project

  1. Javascript
  2. Angular
  3. Communication with web api
  4. Working with DHIS2.

Suggested improvements to APIs etc

Link to repository

Download link to sample web app or Android app