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Technological (software) platforms, boundary resources, infrastructures, software ecosystems

Core book

Tiwana, A. (2013). Platform ecosystems: aligning architecture, governance, and strategy. Newnes. (Esp ch 1,2,5,6,10)


Dig, D., & Johnson, R. (2006). How do APIs evolve? A story of refactoringJournal of software maintenance and evolution: Research and Practice18(2), 83-107.

Gawer, A. (2014). Bridging differing perspectives on technological platforms: Toward an integrative framework. Research Policy, 43(7), 1239-1249. (10 pages)

Ghazawneh, A., & Henfridsson, O. (2013). Balancing platform control and external contribution in third‐party development: the boundary resources model. Information Systems Journal, 23(2), 173-192.

Pautasso, C. (2014). RESTful web services: principles, patterns, emerging technologies. In Web Services Foundations (pp. 31-51). Springer New York.

Plantin, J. C., Lagoze, C., Edwards, P. N., & Sandvig, C. (2016). Infrastructure studies meet platform studies in the age of Google and Facebook. new media & society, 1461444816661553. (15 pages)

Schutt, K., & Balci, O. (2016, June). Cloud software development platforms: A comparative overview. In Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA), 2016 IEEE 14th International Conference on (pp. 3-13). IEEE.

Complementary articles

Benlian, A., Hilkert, D., & Hess, T. (2015). How open is this platform? The meaning and measurement of platform openness from the complementors’ perspective. Journal of Information Technology, 30(3), 209-228.

Dal Bianco, V., Myllärniemi, V., Komssi, M., & Raatikainen, M. (2014, April). The role of platform boundary resources in software ecosystems: a case study. In Software Architecture (WICSA), 2014 IEEE/IFIP Conference on (pp. 11-20). IEEE (10 pages)

Eaton, B., Elaluf-Calderwood, S., Sorensen, C., & Yoo, Y. (2015). Distributed tuning of boundary resources: the case of Apple's iOS service system. MIS Quarterly, 39(1), 217-243.

A Rafiq, A., Ågerfalk, P. J., & Sjöström, J. (2013, June). Boundary Resources Dependency in Third-Party Development from the Developer’s Perspective. In International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems (pp. 197-211). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.