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Linje 1: Linje 1:
===== Gesta Innocenti III [utdrag] =====
===== Gesta Innocenti III  =====
Linje 7: Linje 7:
Ch. LIX At the same time, he anathematized the apostate, Sverre, who had violently seized the Kingdom of Norway, after setting aside the legitimate heir. Because the Archbishop of Trondheim was unwilling to consent to his perverse acts, the apostate forced him into exile outside his province. He, by mandate of the Apostolic See, was kindly received by the Archbishop of Lund, while the intruder ended life still in his sin. He returned to his church after his exile.
[[Noma/pav/in3/komm|Om verket]]
<br>(''The Deeds of Pope Innocent III,'' by an Anonymous Author, translated by James M. Powell (Washington, D.C. : The Catholic University of America Press, 2004), s. 76-77)
Linje 15: Linje 15:
[[Noma/pav|Pavedømmet - kilder]]
[[Noma/pav|Pavedømmet - kilder]]  

Nåværende revisjon fra 30. okt. 2010 kl. 00:02

Gesta Innocenti III

LIX. Eodem tempore, anathematizavit Suerum apostatam, qui regnum Norvagiae per violentiam occupaverat, legitimo regni haerede perempto [Col.CXVIIA] et Nidrosiensem archiepiscopum, qui perversis ejus actibus consentire nolebat, coegit eum [Col.CXVIIIA] idem apostata extra suam provinciam exsulare; qui, per apostolicae sedis mandatum a Lundensi [Col.CXIXA] archiepiscopo benigne receptus, invasor in peccato suo vitam finivit: et sic ad Ecclesiam suam post exsilium suum remeavit.
(PL 214, col. 107A-109A)

Ch. LIX At the same time, he anathematized the apostate, Sverre, who had violently seized the Kingdom of Norway, after setting aside the legitimate heir. Because the Archbishop of Trondheim was unwilling to consent to his perverse acts, the apostate forced him into exile outside his province. He, by mandate of the Apostolic See, was kindly received by the Archbishop of Lund, while the intruder ended life still in his sin. He returned to his church after his exile.

(The Deeds of Pope Innocent III, by an Anonymous Author, translated by James M. Powell (Washington, D.C. : The Catholic University of America Press, 2004), s. 76-77)

Pavedømmet - kilder
