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'''Welcome to the NCMM WIKI'''
Consult the [//meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Contents User's Guide] for information on using the wiki software.
This WIKI is both an onboarding guide for new personnel and students and a collection of useful links and information about basic rules and routines at NCMM and UiO.
* [[New at NCMM]] → Onboarding guide for new staff and students.  
* [[Research ethics]] → Guidelines to follow to uphold good scientific practices at NCMM.
* [[HSE]] → Important and mandatory HSE information.
* [[Health]] → How to find help on different health issues, like mental health, pregnancies  or occupational issues. 
* [[IT]] → Contact information and links to important IT information.
* [[Purchasing|Purchasing]] → How to acquire basic lab and office supplies, and how to book travels.
* [[Social events at NCMM]] → Here you can find information about different social activities at NCMM.
* [[Leaving NCMM]] → List of topics to consider when leaving NCMM.
Get familiar with this onboarding guide, this wiki and its related documents
* [[Information for Group leaders|Group leaders at NCMM]] → Useful info for group leaders.
== New at NCMM ==
=== Fire safety training ===
Schedule/ accept an introduction meeting with the HSE- coordinator: a.v.rodseth@ncmm.uio.no
===Access office/labs ===
Get access to your office and lab from Carlos: c.r.rodriguez@ncmm.uio.no
=== IT access ===
Get your computer with corresponding credentials (contact the IT team): melaku.tadesse@ncmm.uio.no, gang.cheng@ncmm.uio.no
=== New at UiO ===
Useful information about UiO: https://www.uio.no/english/for-employees/employment/joining-leaving/new/
=== Arriving from abroad ===
If you come from another country please see this page for useful information: https://www.uio.no/english/about/jobs/ismo/
== Good practices ==
=== Ethics ===
We expect all members of NCMM to be honest in scientific communications both within and outside the lab. Plagiarism is not tolerated and it is your responsibility to know the definition and scope of plagiarism. Any perceived cases of scientific misconduct by group members should be brought to your group leader/manager's attention
===Lab books/documentation of research / project tracking ===
=== Data policy ===
=== Reproducible research ===
=== Forskpro ===
=== Authorship ===
As a general rule, NCMM aims to follow the Vancouver convention on authorship as closely as possible.
=== Ethical guidelines ===
=== Approvals and authorizations ===
== HSE ==
=== Roles in HSE ===
Managing the working environment is an integral part of the University's primary responsibilities. Responsibility for systematic health, safety and the environment applies at all levels. It is therefore important that everyone working in the laboratories have made themselves familiar with how the Centre have organized the HSE work.
=== General HSE ===
Consist of general guidelines, common tools and procedures intended to provide everyone working at NCMM with a safe, sound working environment and form the basis for UiO's systematic HSE management.
=== Courses ===
UiO offers courses in lab safety. These courses are mandatory for all people working in all lab-facilities. The courses must be completed  within your first year of employment. The on line courses before you start working in lab. It is specially important for newcomers with less experience. UiO has a register of who has attended which course. If you can prove having taken a similar course from elsewhere, you can send documentation of this to HMSB for approval and registration. All leaders must have minimum MODUL 5  "The HSE-system at UiO".
=== Laboratories ===
NCMM want to maintain a healthy and safe working environment. For this, we need the participation of all the employees.
==== Chemicals ====
Chemicals and chemical waste must be handled properly not to pose an unacceptable risk to health or environment. The least dangerous substance in relation to health and the environment should be selected when there is a compensation.
==== Gases ====
All gases have to be handled with great care. Be aware that they most can cause suffocation due to the displacement of air, even when they are not toxic.
==== Radiation ====
Information about the center's labs and working with isotopes and radiation can be found here:
==== GMO/GMM ====
GMOs(genetically modified organisms) and GMMs(genetically modified micro organisms) are microorganisms, plants, animals in which the genetic composition is altered using genetic engineering techniques. This also applies to bacteria transformed to work up plasmid DNA.
==== Infection safety ====
Infection safety is an important consideration when working with blood, blood products, biopsies and other bodily fluids.
==== Freezers ====
To ensure that all valuable samples and supplies in freezers are maintained properly the ultra freezers and nitrogen tanks are connected to an alarm system. You can read more about this here:
==== Waste ====
==== Protective equipment ====
To ensure the safety of all employees NCMM provide a range of protective equipment/gear
== IT ==
=== Help ===
Contact: melaku.tadesse@ncmm.uio.no, gang.cheng@ncmm.uio.no
=== PC ===
=== Trouble shooting ===
=== Access to servers ===
=== Programs ===
=== Printing ===
== Purchasing ==
=== Supplies ===
=== PC ===
=== Lab consumables ===
=== Travel ===
=== Conferences ===
=== Publications ===
== Leaving NCMM ==
=== Return tag/card ===
=== Documentation of research ===
=== Freezers/fridges/chemicals ===
=== Data ===
=== Office ===
=== Leaving the country ===
== Useful links ==
* IT-support
** https://www.uio.no/tjenester/it/kontakt/helpdesk/
* Eiendomsavdelingen
** https://www-int.uio.no/tjenester/eiendom/send-melding/index.html
* Vakt og alarmsental
** https://www.uio.no/om/organisasjon/los/ea/drift/fellestjenester/vakt-og-alarm/
* Kommunikasjon, nettpublisering og grafisk profil
** https://www.uio.no/english/for-employees/support/profile/index.html
* Ansattkort
** https://www.uio.no/om/finn-fram/apningstider/adgangskort.html
* Parkering
** https://www.uio.no/english/for-employees/operational/parking/index.html
* Rombestilling
* Finn fram på UiO
** [https://www.uio.no/om/finn-fram/veibeskrivelse https://www.uio.no/om/finn-fram/veibeskrivelse/]
** <nowiki>https://www.uio.no/om/finn-fram/omrader/</nowiki>
** https://www.uio.no/om/finn-fram/bygninger/
* For employees web page
** https://for-ansatte.uio.no/employee/index.html
* Self-service portal
** In the self-service portal you register work hours, vacation and see your payslip etc
* Work hours
** https://www.uio.no/english/for-employees/employment/working-hours-and-absence/working-hours/
* Salary, reimbursement and other payments
** https://www.uio.no/english/for-employees/employment/payments/
* Employee benefits
** https://www.uio.no/english/for-employees/employment/welfare/
* Leave of absence
** https://www.uio.no/english/for-employees/employment/working-hours-and-absence/leave-absence/
* Travel
** https://www.uio.no/english/for-employees/employment/travel/
* Occupational Health service (Bedrifthelsetjenesten)
** https://www.uio.no/for-ansatte/ansettelsesforhold/hms/bht/
* Registration of sideline jobs (external jobs) and owner interests
** https://www.uio.no/english/for-employees/employment/sideline-jobs/
* Reporting censurable conditions for employees at UiO (whistleblowing)
** https://www.uio.no/english/about/hse/working-environment/procedures/reporting-censurable-conditions/
* Course overview
** https://www.uio.no/english/for-employees/competence/overview-courses/
* Art and culture
** https://www.uio.no/english/about/culture/
* About UiO
** https://www.uio.no/english/about/
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* [//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:FAQ MediaWiki FAQ]
* [https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-announce MediaWiki release mailing list]
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Latest revision as of 17:01, 30 November 2023

Welcome to the NCMM WIKI

This WIKI is both an onboarding guide for new personnel and students and a collection of useful links and information about basic rules and routines at NCMM and UiO.

  • New at NCMM → Onboarding guide for new staff and students.
  • Research ethics → Guidelines to follow to uphold good scientific practices at NCMM.
  • HSE → Important and mandatory HSE information.
  • Health → How to find help on different health issues, like mental health, pregnancies or occupational issues.
  • IT → Contact information and links to important IT information.
  • Purchasing → How to acquire basic lab and office supplies, and how to book travels.
  • Social events at NCMM → Here you can find information about different social activities at NCMM.
  • Leaving NCMM → List of topics to consider when leaving NCMM.