Information for Group leaders

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As a group leader at NCMM, UiO, you have the overall responsibility for your research group. You have personnel responsibility, responsibility for the group's budget, and responsibility for the systematic work on health, safety and environment in your group. The leadership shall be in line with UiO's personnel policy and with UiOs goals for a good workplace.


Recruitment in state-owned enterprises like UiO entails highly regulated processes. NCMM HR will support you in this. The main principle is that all vacancies must be advertised publicly, usually 5-6 months before the desired start date. For positions that require scientific assessment, be prepared that the process might take even longer time (5-12 months).You need to plan ahead, both by defining what kind of staff you need, and who needs to be involved in the recruitment process. Please read up on UiOs policy, routines and tools available, and contact NCMMs Head of office or our HR advisor, before getting started. The Medical faculty also has a web page with routines and templates for planning announcement and interviews, in Norwegian only.


For an overview of your finances, please book a meeting with your apponted NCMM financial adviser, Mette Kvernland or Anita Skolem. To keep a day-to-day overview of your acocunts, please ask Mette Kvernland for access and traning in the UiO Tableau solution, where you will find standarized leadership reports.

Purchasing scientific equipment

All NCMM staff need to adhere to UiOs procurement routines. Please contact NCMMs main purchaser Anita Skolem before you start looking for new equipment. She will advise you on how to purchase what you need according to regulation.


All group leaders must have minimum MODUL 5 and 6 "HSE work at UiO"