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General HSE

All staff at NCMM have responsibility for systematic care for health, safety and the environment in the work place. This responsibility applies at all levels of our work. It is therefore important that all NCMM staff have made themselves familiar with NCMMs systematic HSE management. Check also out On the Safe side - UiOs newly developed platform for training and advice on what you should do in emergency situations

Mandatory HSE Courses

UiO offers several courses in lab safety. All leaders must have minimum MODUL 5 and 6 "HSE work at UiO". Overview of mandatory courses for all staff working in the lab:

Online courses:

All relevant online lab safety courses must be completed before you start working in lab.

Classroom courses:

  • Basic Safety in the Laboratory → For all staff working in the lab.
  • Radiation safety → This course is given regularly in Norwegian (Brukerkurs i strålevern for arbeid med åpne radioaktive kilder), but is given in English upon demand.

The classroom courses must be completed within your first year of employment.

UiO keeps a register of who has attended which course. If you can prove having taken a similar course from another institution, you can send documentation of this to UiOs unit for HSE for approval and registration.

HSE in the laboratories

NCMM want to maintain a healthy and safe working environment. For this, we need the participation of all employees.


Chemicals and chemical waste must be handled properly, so that they do not pose an unacceptable risk to health or environment. If there is a choice, always use the least dangerous substance.


GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and GMMs (genetically modified micro organisms) are microorganisms, plants, animals where the genetic composition is altered using genetic engineering techniques. This also applies to bacteria transformed to work up plasmid DNA.

Other HSE items