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Doing another WT rotation because the one on 31.07 was not too successful. Present at lab: Nigar, Morten, Latifa. Latifa is preparing a cell sample for rotation.

Camera settings:

  • Shutter: 0.5 (automatic)
  • Gain: 0
  • Frame rate: 26,946 fps

The sample was a bit too confluent. We also spilled some of the cell sample so we did not have enough cells to do the experiment many times. Morten added 750ml distilled water and 250 ml sugar water, 10 ul EDTA and Kolliphor to 500 ml of cell mixture.

Did another rotation with ca extra 100-200 ul distilled water to fix the osmotic pressure. The rotation was more successful than the previous one without any extra distilled water. We saved the images from the last rotation as "newconc_fixed_osmotic_pressure".