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  • think about which journal to publish in. you cannot publish the same article in many journals at the same time. it needs to happen one after another.
  • Vancouver rules - who gets to be in the author's list?
  • how many authors we have on the article is not important - it is better to include extra people than to exclude those that contributed
  • think about Jan Gimsa and including him as our last author
  • think about the title: a statement can also work as a title. make it clear and straight to the point
  • think about references: Harvard or Vancouver
  • Ask Jan Gimsa about journals that can be relevant for our research/citations - schedule a meeting with him to discuss our results (before we start doing them all over again in July)
  • Plos One, Scientific Reports - two journals that we can consider
  • Open Access - difference between quality and quantity.
  • Share results with expert in the field to see if it makes sense
  • membership at IEEE for students - Orjan suggests that we have a look at it.