20210713 lithography

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Revision as of 13:44, 13 July 2021 by Janmal@uio.no (talk | contribs)

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We made new PDMS for a wafer, used 36g of PDMS and 3.6g of curing agent. It was still too much PDMS for an entire wafer, so use 30g of PDMS and 3g of curing agent next time.


We prepared 2 50um silicon wafers.

- Followed the procedure for 50um wafers. Pre-baked at 65 degrees C for 15 min and then at 95 degrees C for 120 min. We did not have a way to adjust the ramping of the temperature of the heating plate, so we just let the wafer sit on the plate until it heated to the necessary temperature.


- We passaged once again. P-44

- Today we only replaced the growth medium, and did nothing else with the flask. There were very few cells in the flask, if any at all. :(