December 2012

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AFSecurity Seminar: Risk Management

Date: 12 December 2012.

Location: Meeting Room Awk (room 3118), Ole-Johan Dahls hus (IfI).


14:00h Welcome at IfI

14:15h Invited talk

SPEAKER: Roy Stranden (Ernest & Young)

TITLE: New Standards for Security Risk Management and Security Risk Analysis

Presentation slides: Media:AFSec20121212-Stranden-EY.pdf

ABSTRACT: There are a number of different methods for risk analysis that serves different needs. However, few address the challenges in assessing risks concerning security issues.

A working group under Standard Norge has focused on this issue and developed a series of new standards that serve to address this issue.

This talk will introduce the new standards and justify the need for a new way of thinking concerning security risks.

SPEAKER BIO: Roy Stranden has worked within security for more than 20 years for, among others, the Norwegian Police Security Service and the Norwegian Intelligence Service. Roy is currently working for Ernst & Young. Roy has an MSc in Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management, a Postgraduate Diploma in Security Management, a Certificate in Applied Intelligence and is currently studying for a Certificate in Terrorism Studies. Roy is also a Certified Information Security Manager (CISM).

Currently, Roy leads the working group that is developing the new standards prNS 5831 Risk Management and prNS 5832 Risk Analysis.

15:00h Discussion

15:30h End