Category:Control room (Audio-video system)

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The Technician Room in the Sociocognitive lab, MULTILING
The Technician Room in the Sociocognitive lab, MULTILING


All the basic information should also be available in the technician's room as laminated instruction cards.

First time

The first time you use the room you should be guided by one of the technicians. Be sure you request a guided tour well in advance so your valuable time isn't impeded by waiting for a technician who isn't on duty. If this is your first time and you are alone, please contact one of the technicians now.

Upon entering the room for the first time you will hear alot of noise. This will most probably come from the rack where all the gadgets are placed. The fan noise from the network switches is the most prominent. All signals from the cameras and microphones goes through those switches and that generates alot of heat. The noise is unfortunate, but it cannot be alleviated. When you get past the noise you notice three screens. The first two are monitors that can show the video from all the cameras, four in the main studio and one in each of the pink and green rooms. The central control is the Crestron TSW-760-B-S panel. With this unit you select cameras and microphones, start the the recording and later stop it to transfer the finished recordings to the PC.

Select sources

In the ___ control panel, select the video and audio sources. Before you start the recording, be sure to position the cameras.

All the gory details

If you are a normal researcher it should not be necessary for you to read this section. But some people might find the nitty gritty interesting. The rack is the heart of the operations room. All the cameras and microphones send their signals over ethernet to the rack and the N6123 DVR records the feeds and saves the files with one file per video feed that includes one sound channel per active audio feed.

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