Main Page

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Welcome to the wiki of MultiLing's Socio-Cognitive Laboratory

  • Are you a new lab user? The best way to get started is to follow the steps described at Procedures and Guidelines. On this site, you will also find information on:
    The rooms of the Socio-Cognitive lab: Eye-tracking room and waiting area (green), EEG room (pink), control room (grey), video studio (orange)
    The rooms of the Socio-Cognitive lab: Eye-tracking room and waiting area (green), EEG room (pink), control room (grey), video studio (orange)
  1. The lab's Code of Conduct
  2. Booking of lab rooms
  3. Data Storage/Lagringshotellet
  4. Rules and clarification of expectations for lab interns
  • Would you like to know more about the lab's facilities? Get an overview at the page Rooms and Equipment? The Socio-Sognitive lab has the following rooms:
  1. Video Studio
  2. Eye-tracking room
  3. EEG room
  4. Control room (Audio-video system)
  5. Data processing office
  • Do you need more information on the software and licenses available in the lab and how to use and access them? See: Software.