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Welcome to the wiki for the sociocognitive lab at Multiling

New user in the lab?

Choose one of the following scenarios:

  1. If you are a registered lab user, you can borrow portable equipment (video recording camera etc.):
    • Please contact
  2. Book a room and/or equipment for a single occasion:
    • Please contact
  3. Initiate a project involving rooms and/or equipment for repeated occasions or a longer period of time:
    • Carefully read our policies and guidelines
    • Contact relevant staff member through one of the functional addresses found under Contact Information. Discuss equipment you need, availability, time-period etc.
    • Make a project application online here. This will also be your user agreement. Print it and book a meeting with the Head of the lab. The signed agreement will be filed and a copy sent to you.
    • You will now receive an email with instructions regarding how to get lab access, how you book rooms and equipment in the calendars, our user guidelines and information about data storage.
    • Before you start your study, contact the responsible staff member to specify the details of data collection (e.g., duration of data collection, number of projected participants, etc.) such that we can optimise access for all users of the lab.

Getting started