Main Page

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Welcome to the wiki of MultiLing's Socio-Cognitive Laboratory

  • Are you a new lab user? The best way to get started is to follow the steps described at Procedures and Guidelines. On this site, you will also find information on:
    The rooms of the Socio-Cognitive lab: Eye-tracking room and waiting area (green), EEG room (pink), control room (grey), video studio (orange)
    The rooms of the Socio-Cognitive lab: Eye-tracking room and waiting area (green), EEG room (pink), control room (grey), video studio (orange)
  1. Booking of lab rooms
  2. Project Guidelines
  3. The lab's Code of Conduct
  4. Data Management
  • Would you like to know more about the lab's facilities? Get an overview at the page Rooms and Equipment? The Socio-Sognitive lab has the following rooms:
  1. Video Studio
  2. Eye-tracking room
  3. EEG room
  4. Control room (Audio-video system)
  5. Data processing office
  • Do you need more information on the software and licenses available in the lab and how to use and access them? See: Software.