Category:Control room (Audio-video system)

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The Control room in the Socio-Cognitive lab, MULTILING
The Control room in the Sociocognitive lab, MULTILING

General information

In the control room, you can monitor and control what is going on in the three testing rooms (video studio, EEG room, Eye-tracker room). Via two monitors, you can observe participants in the testing rooms and communicate with them via microphone. Each of the testing rooms has cameras and ceiling microphones installed. The video studio has four cameras, the eye-tracker and EEG room have 1 camera respectively. All cameras can be controlled via the control room. In addition, the lab has 4 clip-on microphones that can be attached to people. The sensitivity of both ceiling and clip-on microphones is automatically adjusted to the sound levels in the room – so no adjustments on your side are necessary. All the cameras will get the same audio mixed in their video files with minimal drifting between sound and video.

Audio-video system

The lab has a state-of-the-art audio-video studio, which allows making customized recordings. The control panel for the audio-video system is located in the control room. From here you can select the correct camera angles, choose the cameras and microphones you want to use in your recording, and later stop it to transfer the finished recordings to the pc for further processing. Detailed instructions on how to use the audio-video system can be found in the handbook. It is also available in printed form in the control room. Note that for data protection reasons, you are obliged to save and delete your recordings from the lab equipment after every lab visit.

Introduction and training

If you would like to use the audio-video system for the first time, get in touch with the lab manager. You will then make an appointment for a one-on-one visit where you will get a tour of the lab, will learn about the lab’s routines and code of conduct, and learn how to use the audio-video system. After successful training, you will get permission to use the lab.

Visiting address

The control rooom is located in room 114 of the lab.

Socio-Cognitive Laboratory

Room 114

Henrik Wergelands hus

Niels Henrik Abels vei 36

0313 OSLO

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