Participant database

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The Participant database is a resource researchers can use to recruit participants for their projects.

The bigger the database grows the more useful it is, so please remember to mention the database to anyone participating in your project! This can, for example, be done by adding a link to the email-correspondence with your participant. There are also posters with QR-codes in all rooms of the lab that participants can scan to register.

Link to the registration form:, or scan QR-code -->

Registration for Participant database

Here is a step-by-step guide to getting access to the Participant database:

You first need to formally apply for access:

  1. Apply for access to project ec344 (HF-participant database)
  2. Please send lab team (Franziska or David) an email you have applied (as we do not get automatic notification). We will then manually assess your application.

When application is successful, follow these steps to :

  1. Set-up two-factor identification for Educloud:
  2. Log into Virtual desktop of Educloud using VMWare Horizon Client. For instructions, see:
  3. Go to Educloud Windows desktop (click the three dots under “” and click connect)
  4. Inside Educloud, use internet browser to go to:; log in with your Educloud credentials
  5. You can download a .csv or .xlsx file of the results. Mind you the file is still in Educloud virtual desktop.
    • Tip: When downloading results, you can click “use codebook” to have shortened variable names.
    • Based on your inclusion criteria (e.g., age, gender, languages), identify potentially relevant participants.
    • We recommend logging into your email account in Educloud and contacting relevant people via email from there. This way you do not need to save the data on your local pc.

IMPORTANT: When you contact multiple people simultaneously, please use bcc (blind carbon copy), so that people cannot see the email addresses of others (which would be a security breach).

If you are having problems / have any questions, please get in touch with Franziska ( or Ola (